Putting You and Your Oral Health First
At Village Green Family Dental, we put the oral health of you and your family first. Our team of dedicated dental professionals are here to provide you with the care and services to help you love your smile.
Let us show you that we take the "Family" in our name to heart.

New Location, Familiar Faces
While our location may have changed, we continue to be patient-centred and committed to providing you with the resources needed to help you achieve and keep a healthy smile.
With our commitment to you in mind, we are pleased to announce that we have officially moved to our new location – a mere hop, skip, and a jump away. At our new space, we provide:

Wheelchair accessible
Accessible washroom
Located on the main level
Payment options with high-contrast displays and audible prompts
Free & Convenient Parking
Parking is now onsite and it's free!

New Technology
We have new technology in house to help us expand your treatment options
More Clinical Space
With more rooms, we can now offer more appointments
Larger Reception Area
With a larger reception area, we have a growing reception team at the ready to assist you, and more seating
Other Amenities
Our staff can be quite entertaining, but we can also stream your favourite TV shows during restorative appointments
Treasure Box
Don’t worry kids – we still have you covered!
Visit us for your next appointment!


Visit Us
Contact Us
Office Hours
Village Green Family Dental
190 Wortley Road, Suite #104
London, Ontario | N6C 4Y7

Monday 9AM — 5PM
Tuesday 8AM — 7PM
Wednesday 8AM — 7PM
Thursday 9AM — 5PM
Friday 8AM — 2PM
Saturday 9AM — 2PM
Two minutes drive from the previous location
In the heart of Wortley Village
Main floor
Free parking
Use the back entrance for quickest access